Anytime is a good time to do a crossword puzzle.
Sister Dalley at the dining room table in the Nairobi flat where they are staying with another couple, Elder and Sister Moon who are serving in Kisumu. the flat was temporarily empty as there hasn't been a couple to replace the one that left last month.
We visited the Kazuri Bead and Pottery Factory that was set up to employ marginalized women who are unwed and were most probably victims of sexual assault. They make beads by hand. this happy lady is making beads a certain size from a template then she is poking a hole through them.The beads are then air dried for a week then baked in a kiln which is only fired up at night then has to be cooled for three days before the beads or pottery can be taken out. The beads are marketed all over the world and sold in upscale stores.
Elder Dalley with our guide showing the difference between a raw green ware tankard and one ready for drying.
Eler Dalley at the Giraffe Center feeding 'Daisy' a five year old giraffe. her tongue is 18 inches long so you just drop the pellet onto it. See how adept Elder Dalley is at feeding her without getting slobbered on.
Daisy is so sweet with those long eyelashes and soft eyes. They are Rothchild giraffes here, the ones with the white socks up to their knees. This center has 9 giraffes on 100 acres and is part of a conservation project. We learned they only sleep for 5 to 10 minutes in 24 hours and with their eyes open to fool their predators. They hang around with warthogs and get along well.
Sister Dalley tried to feed Daisy but put her hand in too far and got not only nipped but badly scared and slimed as well.
This is a huge poinsettia tree which grow all along the roads here in Nairobi.
Lots of women carry heavy loads on their heads. As a result they get compressed spines and get hunched backs when they get old. Others carry the loads on their backs and this results in a sway back and sticky our bums.