First you soak the nuts in salt water then drainthem and put them in a heavy pan over low heat. You have to stir the nuts every few minutes for half an hour to keep them brom burning. .
Newly baptized members Elly and Josphat with Elder's Sanders and Kiggundu. Josphat was so terrified of going under the water it took six times to get him baptized.
Nukuru Group buildong it is on the fourth floor ip a flight of uneven stone concrete steps. This is how it looked before anyh remodeling was done. The windows are above a busy noisy street and the Salvation armyband marches past every Sunday morning blaring horns and beating drums. the nearby mosque has defening calls to prayer six times a day.
Colrnelius our gate guard with Elder Dalley who he calls Grandpa. A delightful young man who likes to kid with us each morning as we pass the guardhouse on our morning walks.
Cornelius with Sister 1dalley and our turbo Nisson he so covets. We bring him treats sometimes and he always says, "God Bless you."
Frederick Gichuki from Nakuru Group recieving his ordination to become an elder from James Mckenye, branch clerk from the Naivasha Branch that is over the group. Freddie is engaged to a mszungu from Utah and he and Crystal are planning to be married in July.
Frederick from Karagita who is a member but has a hard time coming out because of the distance 12 km.
A giraffe crossing the road in back of Sister Dalley. Below the giraffe dodging traffic.When we drove off the giraffe got spooked and began gallop along side of us and we clocked it at 40 km an hour. It looked so funny with its neck undulating as he ran,
Roseline and Sister Dalley showing off the finished cake below. Plus Millicent and Leah with both cakes.
Elder Dalley leaning on the stick at the top with the valley we had just come from in the background.
The crater from the rim. The six elders hike to the top of the peak but it was all we could do to make it to the rim.
Elder Dalley by the Longanot sign. We have seen it spelled three ways.
Each step had to be calculated so there would be no slipping.
Slowly by slowly as they say in Kenya Elder Dalley helps his struggling companion down the hill.
Sister Dalley, Millicent, Leah and Roseline waikting for the reveal. Will the cake be done and come out of the pan in one piece? The structure behind us is the chicken coop.
Victory at last. We made it ot the top.
Students from the Nairobi University all gathered for a picture as amazed as we were that we had made it.
We think these are a type of gazzelles but they are as big as cows.
A man nearby said they were something but as usual we could not understand him.